Sunday, May 14, 2006

Quote about Love

Thomas Merton says this about faith, but I hope it can be said about love too:

It is 'a light of such supreme brilliance that it dazzles the mind and darkens all its vision of other realities: but in the end, when we become used to the new light, we gain a new vision of all reality transfigured and elevated in the light itself.'
(The Inner Experience, pp15-16, SPCK 2003)

Maybe I need to narrow the blog down. Just write about love. See how straight I can get it in my head.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Why 'Artyoak'?

Emma and I sat up most of the night coming up with the name. We've got a bit of an 'oak' thing going on, ever since we kissed under one on our first (or was it second?) date. And I was off to the Greenbelt '05 festival and had decided to take with me a bundle of business cards to push the art side of what I do, and we needed to put something on them by way of a website, and so ..., and the business name, and the blog, and all the rest.

Which works like this:
... you get my drift.

So I sit here, and when I don't do theology, I draw, and when I don't draw, I do theology, and plot revolution, and spread the love around, which is not a bit the life I thought I'd be leading five years ago, but it has masses of potential.

The blog is my way of getting out a bit more.